Sunday, December 19, 2010

Swiss Chard - First attempt.

So I am starting with Swiss Chard Neon Lights Mix from Burpee seeds.  A one inch rockwool cube was prepaired by soaking in water.  The package said to use a seed starting nutrient mix or a some lemon juice mixed with water.  I did not do that, just water.  Two seeds were placed in the cube and the moist cube was put in a Ziplock bag.  It is important not to seal the bag all the way.  Leave it so air can get in.  Placed it under a CFL light and let sit.  Package said the seedlings would emerge in 7-10 days it took 3.


The seedling is hard to see due to the humidity.  It is on the right side of the bag.  After 7 days the rockwool cube was transferred to the net pot.  First the net pot was filled with expanded clay balls.  The clay balls were then washed to get rid of any of the clay dust.  A hole was dug in the center of the clay balls for the rockwool cube.  Once the cube and clay balls were in place the system was filled with nutrient solution and the net pot put in place.  Turned the LED array on and now to watch it grow.


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