Wednesday, December 15, 2010

5x5 LED grow light, part 1

So this is what I have come up with for a 5x5 (25 LED) grow light.  In researching the web and the USPO I have found that most of these lights use the following light wavelengths.  660nm for the red, 612nm for orange and 460 for the blue.  Most designs are a mix of 61% red, 32% orange and 7% blue.  My design is for 25 LEDs I will be using 16 red, 7 orange and 2 blue.  That will give it a mix of 64% red, 28% orange and 8% blue which is pretty close.  Also at the time I bought my LEDs I could only find 620nm orange and 465 blue.  They are listed as dominant waveforms so hopefully they will work.


The red 4 led strings use 82 ohm resistors.  Orange 4 led string uses 270 ohm and the 3 led string has a 390 ohm.  The blue LEDs use a 220 ohm resistor.  Part 2 to come.

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