Friday, January 21, 2011

Bubble bucket build - pt 4. Assembly

Now that we have the parts, modified the lid and drilled the holes we can assemble the bucket. The diagram below shows how to assemble the drain fitting and lower level indicator.  Basically you will put a o-ring on the threaded pvc then put the threaded pvc through the bucket.  Follow it with another o-ring and then the outside piece.


In this picture you can see the assembled outside of the bucket.  The 3/8 ID clear hose is inserted into the fitting and then secured with a tie-wrap at the top.  If I had this to do over I would move the tie-wrap holes down about a 1/2 inch.


I always silicon around the outside of the pvc.  If you have never had a aquarium spring a leak trust me it is not fun to clean up.  Do yourself a favor and go the extra mile.  On the inside I put silicon on the bottom of my airstone.  The one I selected has a plastic bottom and I am not sure I would silicon a regular one.  The silicon will keep it from moving around in the bucket.  Now it will just sit a dry for a day or two then onto part 5 testing and setup.


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