Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Bubble bucket build - pt 3. Drill the bucket

So far we have assembled the components and modified the lid.  Today we will drill holes in the bucket.  First look at the diagram I have posted below.  From left to right I have a hole for a drain, holes for the level indicator and then a hole for the air line.  Don't worry you don't have to make these precise or break out a protractor.  Just use good old 'eyeball engineering'.


The drain hole is optional.  I use it due to the fact I have my setup on a desk and draining the bucket makes it easier for me to handle.  Water weighs eight pounds a gallon.  Both the drain hole and level indicator use the same size hole.  Measure your PVC fitting and choose an appropriate drill bit.  For drill bits use either a regular twist drill, hole saw or step drill.  A forstner bit or a spade bit will grab and potentially crack the bucket.  If you don't have a drill the right size a dremel and x-acto knife will work.  Mark your hole so the fitting sits as close to the bottom of the bucket and cut the holes.


The level indicator side will need two small holes toward the top of the bucket.  These holes hold a tie wrap that secures the top of the level indicator.  These holes will need to be about 5/8" apart.  Hole size should just be big enough to pass the tie wrap through.  The final hole is for the air hose it just needs to be big enough for the hose to go through.  Needs to be towards the top above the water line.  See picture below all holes were marked with black marker.


Next time we put it all together.

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