Monday, January 23, 2012

Roma Tomatoes - Day 11

So the seedlings started showing roots through the bottom and sides of the rockwool cube.  Time to set one of them into the bubble bucket.  First the nutrient solution was mixed up.  It is important to mix the Floragrow nutrients in the correct order.  My system is 3 gallons.  To the water I added 7.5ml of FloraNutrients and then mixed well.  Then 7.5ml of FloraGro and 7.5ml of FloraBloom, mixing well after each is added.  Don't premix or add all 3 at once or some of the nutrients will not be available to the plants.  After the nutrients have been added and mixed adjust the pH of the solution.  Always do this after adding the nutrients as they change the pH.  When adjusting the pH up or down do it in small steps.   Once the pH is right the solution is then added to the bubble bucket and the airstone is turned on.


This is the system setup in my closet.  It was put here just to be out of the way.  All gardens need a Nome.


Now with the hydroton and the tomato seedling planted.  This will be what the system will look like.  Hopefully the light I have selected will work out.  At 10W that is the equivalent of a 40W bulb according to sources on the internet.


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