Thursday, June 6, 2013

Worm Tea - part 2

This part 2 is just for those for who like pictures.  Most of this was explained in the first post but without pictures.

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This is just a fine mesh strainer picked up for a couple bucks from the grocery store.  Here I have strained out about 24 ounces of tea.  There is plenty more in the coffee container but I will just put the airstone back in and let it bubble.  A funnel was used to put the tea into the spray bottle.

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I have removed the lettuce as that was where the major infestation of spider mites were.  They were just being used to keep the aquarium water clean inbetween plantings.  Now with the tomatoes getting bigger, a few cucumber seeds planted by the water inlet and a strawberry plant I will be putting in the water should be fine.  I used a heavy mist of the worm tea on all the expanded clay pebbles and tomato plants.  This will be repeated 2-3 times daily for the next few days.

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About 16 ounces of tea was added directly to the tank.  It turned the water a brownish color.  It should not hurt the fish but I want to see what it does.

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