Thursday, May 30, 2013

May 2013, Tomatoes added

This will be my second attempt at aquaponics but now with an established system.  I chose some cherry tomato seeds I have planted and used in my container garden.  They were started with the Burpee seed starting kit and rockwool cubes as previously posted.  I planted them about 3-4 inches deep in the clay pebbles.

 photo DSC01001_zps8b257d6c.jpg

I planted the two plants in opposite corners of the grow bed.

 photo DSC01002_zpsffffd3a9.jpg

Here is a view from the front.  The one in back is hidden.

 photo DSC01004_zps52e3fe65.jpg

Here are two of the three fish. Funny thing is I had originally bought one gold one, a black/gold and a white/gold. Now in about 6 months they are all gold.

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