Saturday, December 29, 2012


This is how the system is growing along.

December 15th, 2012


There are little flags identifying what is planted where.  On the left is a #1 and also on the right in the middle.  This is the mesclun mix seedlings.  One the left on in the middle is a white onion from a onion set.  This was just put in for fun.  The #2 flag is for the microgreens.  The back right side by the water inlet is the  cucumbers.

December 21, 2012


You can see how much growth has happened in a few days.  The cucumber just keeps getting bigger every day as well as the white onion.  In the back behind the siphon are 2 dill plants and a couple of onion from seed.  As you can see the microgreens and mesclun are reaching for the light.  So I will have to double up on the lights.  At this point in the aquarium it seems like it has cycled.  The ammonia is at a safe level and the fish are happy.

December 24, 2012


Just one last one.  Everything is just growing really fast.  The onion planted from the set will probably be removed.  I did not plan on that thing growing like it did.  Now you can really see the plants all going towards the center to the light.  A new lamp hood with double the lamps is needed.

December 29, 2012


The onion was removed as some of the microgreens.

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