Monday, November 26, 2012

Aquaponic system overview


This is the basics of how my system will work.  In the aquarium (1) will be the fish and water.  The fish will eat their food then excrete waste.  This water/waste will be pumped (2) up to the grow box (3).  The grow box will be filled with hydroton(expanded clay pebbles) commonly used in hydroponics.  Of course this is where the plants go as well.  The plants use the fish waste as food and strips the water of this.  The grow box will be outfitted with a bell siphon.  As water is pumped from the aquarium the grow box will fill.  Once the water reaches the top of the siphon the water will drain (4) back into the aquarium.  This water is clean as the plants have drawn out the nutrients. 

Not shown is the light which will be above the grow box.  There will also be an airstone in tank.  Only one timer will be necessary and it will control the light.  The pump and the airstone will run all the time.  Other than feeding the fish and topping off the water the system will require not much maintenance.

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