Monday, February 20, 2012

Roma Tomatoes - Growing good

So this is week three for the "growth" formula on the tomatoes.  This plant is now over 13" tall.  In fact I left town over the weekend and it grew nearly 2 inches.  It is also time to start thinking about support.  When I took it out of the setup to change the solution it tilted on me.  They hydroton is only so stable.  The roots have increased dramatically since last week as shown in the picture below.


Some of those roots are now over 2 foot long!  The foliage is also reaching for more light daily.  In the past seven days the light had to be moved upward 3-4 times.  Twice I had to add water to me solution.  It is using about 1-2 cups of water every 2 days.  Hopefully in the next few weeks I can see the fruits of my labor.


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